Political Economy

View all statements in the Political Economy category

Leftist movements are seismic tremors that shake the foundations of complacency, heralding a radical reshaping of societal structures.

Correct Guess Rate: 40.0% (2/5 correct)

Uses the metaphor of seismic tremors to depict the disruptive power of leftist movements challenging entrenched systems.

A critical analysis of historical materialism suggests that comprehensive state intervention is indispensable for dismantling the entrenched inequities of capitalist societies.

Correct Guess Rate: 81.8% (9/11 correct)

Grounded in Marxist theory, this statement argues that structural inequalities produced by capitalism require radical state-led reforms.

Liberal reforms are like the steady hand of a clockmaker, meticulously adjusting the gears of a complex machine to ensure smooth operation.

Correct Guess Rate: 80.0% (8/10 correct)

Employs a clockmaker analogy to stress the precision and gradual nature of liberal reforms in maintaining societal balance.